November 12, 2012

Kitchen Pinterest success!

So I've been on Pinterest for awhile now, and there are many projects or tips I've tried that work so-so, or not at all. Partially this could be due to user error, or it could be due to bad directions, or me just not having the skills needed to do the project, who knows?

When I first joined, I saw this tip about green onions. Rachel over at Baked by Rachel said you can basically have a never ending crop of them by saving the ends, and placing them in a cup of water on a sunny window sill. I didn't really believe it, but I used up our green onions in a stir fry last week, so I figured I'd give it a shot. I placed the green onions in an old Ikea glass on our kitchen sill. This is a window that is south facing so it doesn't get direct sunlight but it gets light in the afternoon. Not only was I surprised yesterday when I noticed that the green onions were indeed regenerating, but they are growing SO fast!

This is day 6:

It's been so successful that I'm going to get another bunch to add so we have some more. Green onions are the veggie that I add to everything if I have them on hand, but I often forget to buy them, so this is perfect!

Have you had any tips from Pinterest that have worked really well?

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