September 19, 2012

Gaby's 7 month letter


Dear Gabriela:
7 months have flown by since you joined our family! You’re so much less of a baby now and so much more of a person! Your personality is large, even though you’re still tiny!
You eat solid foods for every meal now and have really branched out as far as different purees. You definitely let us know when you like something or don’t like it though. You have a high pitched squeal/scream for when you’re really excited or when you’re really angry.
You’re sitting very solidly and now pull yourself over and onto your tummy. We think you’re pretty close to crawling, and although we’re excited about that, we’re ok if you want to wait a little longer until you’re mobile too!
You wake up at about 8:30 or so at night and we let you cry it out for about 5-10 minutes and you soothe yourself back to sleep. You also wake up at about 3-4am, and I’ll feed you and then you go back to sleep. You have tried using a sippy cup and you liked it but you still won’t take a bottle.
Here are some more things that you’re doing:
  • Getting excited when we give you toys
  • Smiling at people who talk to you
  • Waving on your own
  • “Dancing” by waving your arms when music is on
  • Getting mad and crying when Santi takes a toy (like his cars) away from you
  • Eating solid foods for 3 meals a day and breastfeeding about 4-5 times a day
  • Wearing some 3 month size clothes, as well as 3-6 and some 6 month sizes
  • Wearing size 1-2 diapers and your largest cloth diapers
  • Still napping from about 2-4:30 or so every day. Sometimes you have a quick nap in the morning if we’re home, and you’ll always fall asleep in the car!
You had a great trip to San Diego and charmed everyone on the planes and in the hotel. You went swimming in a pool for the first time and had a great time…you’re a water baby just like your brother! We’re getting ready to take you on your first international trip to Peru, and can’t wait for you to meet your family there as well as for the plane rides! We love you so much and are so blessed to have you as our daughter!

Love, Mommy and Daddy

1 comment:

Coupon Trunk said...

It's great that you're keeping such nice records of all those little milestones. They grow up way too fast - my baby girl is about to turn 11!