April 1, 2010

Our week

So this is 4 days late but - WE ARE HOME! :)

Our week home with our little guy has gone pretty well. He's on a somewhat normal schedule, and we've kept him sleeping in the pack and play in our room for now. It's just easier at this point. He's a fairly easy going little guy, and loves his swing and bouncer. He also LOVES to be held, so I think I'm going to bust out the homemade Moby wrap I made to see if he likes that.

The cats have been "introduced" however, they are a bit confused. They both just want to sniff him but Tito doesn't let them get that close. I do though, just so they can check him out. They are both so cute when he cries as they'll come to the door to make sure he's ok. :) They miss sleeping with us though since Tito won't let them in the room while the baby is in there. So they spend most of their time sleeping in the living room. My FIL sent me an email this week telling me that he doesn't want the cats in the baby's room because their hair will cause him to have allergies and they spread disease. We are not stupid, we're not allowing them full on access to the baby. However, it's inevitable he'll get some hair on him or his clothing. I told Tito I was worried that when he came to live with us that he would shut the cats in the bathroom all day or out on the porch, so we need to have a convo with him regarding that the cats are family members too, they are fine to be around the baby, and we have baby gates for our room and Santi's room to keep the cats out (they've worked so far.) They are curious and need to explore but after they explore they won't be so curious anymore and will pay no real attention to him.

I had my doctor's appt. on Tuesday to get my stitches out and I feel a lot better. The area was getting really tight and it was hard to stand up due to the way the stitches were in, so it was so nice to go in and get them removed and come out standing upright. :) I've still got some healing to do, but it looks good. I go back in 6 weeks for my follow up and clear for exercise, etc. I can't wait to get back in the gym, but as the weather gets warmer here we'll be going for some walks. I weighed myself and I'm only 8 lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight already. Which means I've lost 26 lbs so far. Which is insane to me. It seems as if the 8 lbs are all in my belly too and I'm going to need to do some serious cardio and ab work to get rid of that, so hopefully once I can go back to the gym, things will look better. For now they're a little scary with the belly and the scars (from the c-section and from the stitches.)

We went to the pediatrician's office for his first official visit yesterday. He now weighs 7 lbs, 13 oz (up just about a pound from his birth weight in 2 weeks.) The NICU nurses told us when we left that since he eats so much I might not be able to keep up with him and might need to supplement with formula. I am pretty dead set on that since when he drinks formula he drinks it like it's candy, and always spits up a TON. With breast milk he has a much easier time and is definitely full and satisfied after feeding. And I'm producing plenty right now. The ped said it was fine to keep him on breast milk especially since he's up a pound from his birth weight in 2 weeks time. Additionally, he's on a vitamin mix of A, D and E. They said it's common now for babies to be on a multivitamin, which I hadn't heard. They're liquid dropper form, and we have to give it to him with a bottle of breast milk. So it looks like we'll be doing at least one bottle a day to give him that. I guess here in WA especially they are pushing that babies be on Vitamin D supplements due to the lack of sunlight. So he's basically on them until he can take a chewable. Anyone else heard of/having their babies take these vitamins now?

Today is his circumcision. Apparently the whole thing takes about three hours with prep time, the actual snip snip and then observation afterwards. Hopefully he'll do fine. We discovered this week that our insurance covers it fully (which apparently most don't because it's considered a cosmetic procedure.) So we were happy that we don't have to shell out $308 for this procedure.

We ended up buying a wedge since he seems to be having a little spit up/reflux issues after feeding. The ped was surprised we knew what to buy as she was going to recommend one when we told her about him spitting up sometimes 45 mins to an hour after feeding and burping.

Tito goes into work tomorrow all day so I've got the little guy alone all day. Pretty sure I can handle it but it will be a taste of what's to come after next week when Tito's back at work full time.

And lastly, I thought I'd leave you with some photos of our little guy. The NICU nurses took a whole CD of photos of him while he was there and we just looked at it the other day. So many cute shots!

Poor little guy hates to have his hands swaddled so he scratches himself on a daily basis on his face because he loves to touch his face. I'm filing his nails daily but sometimes he still manages to get himself (or me when he's burping, he has scratched up my chest in a few places!)

Hungry, smiley boy!

One of our favorite shots...we think it looks like one of his senior portraits!

And just for some perspective and to stake my claim that I think he looks like me as much as Tito, here are two of my newborn shots I found the other night...

I keep telling people he has my lips, eyes and those bags under his eyes...as well as my eyebrows! Gotta run, hear the little guy making some noise!


Kirsten said...

He looks a lot like you, Kate! I was also thinking that he looks a tiny bit like Billy when he was a new born, but I'm probably imagining things.

And I have heard of kiddos being on multi-vitamins and I don't think that sort of thing is very unusual.

Enjoy your day with the little one!

Kate Wilke said...

Congratulations guys! He's so cute!

He does look a lot like Tito, but it's good that you posted your baby photos as well...I definitely see your eyes and eyebrows now!

Caroline said...


Heather (Laptops to Lullabies) said...

Welcome home! So glad to hear everything is going well. I'm very interested to hear how the circumcision goes, since we'll be getting our little guy done.

Anonymous said...

Kate, both of mine took those vitamins but I never mixed it with a bottle, just shot it down their throat. :-) Avery never took a bottle. Also, his circumcision went very well and he had no problems healing. Sounds like you're enjoying that baby completely! So happy he is home! Morgen